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How To Use Line & Lure


Line & Lure® is specially formulated to make fishing line more manageable and improve casting distance and control.  Line & Lure® also helps protect the outer and inner working parts of your fishing equipment as well as your fishing tackle.

Follow the instructions below to get the most out of your Line & Lure®.


To aid in casting:

Always shake well before use.

  1. Spray to spool, line, and guides. (3 or 4 shots from the spray pump will treat a 200 yard spool of 12 lb. test. You can expect to get over 100 treatments per bottle!)
  2. Allow to dry. (Always let the first application of Line & Lure® dry on the line before use. This sets up a modification to the surface of the line that becomes semi-permanent on the line.)  NOTE:  Do not use Line & Lure® on line previously treated with other line conditioners.  The presence of other sometimes oily line conditioners can adversely affect Line & Lure's® performance.
  3. Reapply as needed.

Tips for applying to line:

Other uses:



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BTS Protectant